Sitemap - 2017 - Michael Davis’ Writing Expedition Newsletter

You Can Do Magic, Honey

As the Leopard, So the Coliseum

Goodbye America

The Glamorous Life of a World Traveler

Hurricane Dreams

Burning Down the House

Update on Midnight Gladiolus . . .

Midnight Gladiolus, a science fiction novel in progress. Chapter 9.

Midnight Gladiolus, a science fiction novel in progress. Chapter 8.

Midnight Gladiolus, a science fiction novel in progress. Chapter 7.

Midnight Gladiolus, a science fiction novel in progress. Chapter 6.

My Friend Has Gone Nazi

Midnight Gladiolus, a science fiction novel in progress. Chapter 5.

Midnight Gladiolus, a science fiction novel in progress. Chapter 4.

Midnight Gladiolus, a science fiction novel in progress. Chapter 3.

Midnight Gladiolus, a science fiction novel in progress. Chapter 2.

Midnight Gladiolus, a science fiction novel in progress. Chapter 1.

Here's Why Denis Johnson Was the Last Truly Great Gonzo War Correspondent — by Jeremy Kryt

Tiredness, Truth, and Mockery: the American Way

The Writing Life Ain't Easy, Kid

Fatal Vision: the Precipitous Exile of James Comey

Political Art | Kurt Cole Eidsvig

Our Job is to Write

The Professional and the Superior Man

Realpolitik and Kittens

Who goes Nazi?

Money Is Thicker Than Blood

The End of the Hustle

The Crying of Lot 45

Way Up High in the Manhattan Sky

Nobody Knows It But Me

Planespotting and the Persistence of Facts

Thoughts on Sally Yates

Sater, Cohen, and the Collapsing House of Cards

My new piece today on Splice Today . . .

Publication News: my 32nd short story published.